
Sunday 6 April 2014

Wrestlemania 30 Predictions

File:WrestleMania XXX Poster.pngThe showcase of the Immortals, the grandest stage of them all, has returned. Once again it is time for Wrestlemania to grace our screens. And it's actually interesting compared to last years. Probably because we don't have the "Twice in a lifetime" match with the obvious conclusion. Then again we do have a similar situation where Batista came back from his four year absence to stroll right back into the main event picture, and with that the WWE unintentionally made Batista a heel, Alberto del Rio a sudden and temporary face, and Randy Orton into a tweener.

But let's get down to it and have a look at tonight's matches shall we?

The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) vs. Los Matadores (Diego and Fernando) vs. The Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro) vs. RybAxel (Ryback and Curtis Axel) - WWE Tag Team Championship

Well, okay some of the matches aren't that interesting. We may get some entertainment, no doubt about it, I'd love to see Cesaro swing Ryback round and round. The problem is, it doesn't really matter who wins this. The Real Americans are just in a period of not doing anything, RybAxel just aren't interesting, so really it's between Los Matadores (formerly known as Primo and Epico) and the former longest-number-one-contenders-to-the-tag-team-titles the Usos.

I'm going to have to give this to the Usos, it just seems to be more of a champions defend the titles successfully kind of thing. Only two of the teams are really on a high and it just doesn't seem right for the Matadores to win.

Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational

Hey! Another match no-one really gives a crap about! The only real interest in the Diva's division right now is A.J Lee, since she's the only one who really has a personality. A split personality, but a personality nonetheless.

Granted the fact that the Bella Twins won the Slammy Diva of the year instead of A.J Lee shows that the WWE has no idea what to do with their Divas division. The only reason why the Bellas won the Slammy was because of the 'Total Divas' show.

But that's besides the point. As much as I'd like A.J Lee to retain, I actually see Tamina winning it. I think A.J Lee will think that Tamina will lay down for her, but she'll pin A.J instead.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Okay, this is actually the most difficult to predict. Especially since according to the photo, there's still three vacant positions. All I can say is who isn't going to win; Big E Langston, The Great Khali, Brodus Clay, 3MB (unfortunately), Sin Cara, etc, etc.

But then again, who knows, one of them might win it. But I suppose I'll name three people who I think will win it. I believe the top three people to win this battle royal are Christian, Dolph Ziggler, and the Miz, though Dolph and Christian do have a bit of a story going on (not with each other), so they're probably the more likely candidates. But yeah, one of those three.

The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins) vs. Kane and the New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn)

Wow, how low has Kane sunk recently? It wasn't that long ago when the masked version of Kane had reappeared and we were all excited about seeing the return of the big red monster.

Now he's losing matches week in, week out, and looks more helpless than destructive nowadays. Meanwhile the New Age Outlaws had a good little run as Tag Team Champions, and now....hmmm. Meanwhile the Shield ran through a patch where everyone thought the WWE was going to break up everyone's favourite trio. They did it with Evolution, they did it with Nexus, with the Corre, JBL's Cabinet, and so on and so fourth. Oh, the Shield will dissolve eventually, it's inevitable, but the Shield is extremely popular, so to see them almost break up with the usual cliches, it was annoying. But now the WWE has taken a risk with them and turned them face so it seems all good for now. I think this team has actually survived the longest since Evolution (Maybe Nexus).

But between these two teams, I'm going to have to give it to the Hounds of Justice. I just can't see them losing this one. Oh, Kane and the New Age Outlaws will give them a good fight, but the Hounds will prevail.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Wow, a John Cena match which I'm actually interested in! Unlike all of his matches for the past ten years. But then that's mainly due to Bray Wyatt.

Wyatt is pretty much the perfect man to work of Cena; the Cenation Leader versus the Eater of Worlds. Rise above Hate versus Follow the Buzzards. Wyatt has gone into some great feuds with Kane, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and now John Cena. And Wyatt has some impressive victories under his belt, one against Kane, Bryan, and Big Show the other week. On the other hand, it's John Cena. "Lol Cena kicks out at two".

In all fairness though, this does actually seem to be Wyatt's night. It will most likely be Cena, but I'm thinking Wyatt will win the bout.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

It's the second coming of the Attitude Era, named by Triple H as the Reality Era, featuring Triple H and Daniel Bryan instead of Mr. McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin respectively, the Authority instead of the Corporation.

And it has been quite entertaining. It's certainly the most interesting storyline right now, with the Yes Movement even being the cause of other storylines, The Shield's rivalry with Kane being one, Bryan's engagement with Brie Bella the only reason why the Bellas are getting a push, and the winner of this bout getting into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match.

Momentum and story is with Bryan and the most popular wrestler in WWE following CM Punk's departure, meanwhile Triple H is semi-retired, he won't be becoming Champion anytime soon. This match belongs to Daniel Bryan.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

It's the Streak match! Is there any point in "predicting" this? Granted both wrestlers hardly wrestle now, the Undertaker is only brought back for his Wrestlemania match while Lesnar is apparently contracted to wrestle two or three times a year. Anyway, Undertaker wins.

Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. ? - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

And the winner is....Daniel Bryan!

As previously mentioned, the winner of the Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H match would be put into this match, and with the fact that it looks like Randy Orton is A) on the heel side of the tweener with the fans, and B) likely to lose his title, and the fact that Batista has quickly become one of the most unliked returning wrestlers since................ever (well, maybe the Rock but people still loved him). And people complained a tiny bit when Daniel Bryan didn't enter the Royal Rumble match at number 30, something which actually caught the attention of the BBC. Surprisingly.

So yeah, the YES Movement will win the main event.

And that ladies and gentlemen was this years predictions, roll on Wrestlemania 31.

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