
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Infection Z (2013)

Packshot of Infection ZIt's too soon. It is far too soon. It's too soon to come across yet another awful, scratch that, crap horror film. Especially one that had to rip off the title to 'World War Z'. They aren't even zombies for crying out loud, they shouldn't be putting the letter 'Z' anywhere! Then again, from what I can tell, the original title was just called 'Infected', so really they should have stuck with that.

Louis Hartley (Michael Madsen) and his son Andrew (Tom DeNucci) head to a hunting cabin for a father and son holiday with Dr Edward Dennehey (William Forsythe) and his son Jeremy (Kevin DeCristofano). Insert a whole load of people who you will learn virtually nothing about being slaughtered by a mob infected with mutated Lyme disease. That's right, Lyme disease. Because, that's what you think when you think of zombies right?

You know, there's literally nothing good I can say about the story. You look on the back of the box and see the ruins of a city, tricking you into thinking that we'll see a city under siege, instead of watching the one cabin. Speaking of which, the trapped in a cabin story itself has been done to death since 'Night of the Living Dead' graced our screens forty odd years ago. But, the story still would have worked, if we had actually learnt about the characters, and that only works with a small cast. This film proceeds to introduce a new character about every five minutes so you have no idea who is who. Heck, we actually get a fair bit of time with one of the infected and learn more about him then an a survivor we should be rooting for. The only two people we really familiarise ourselves with are Michael Madsen and William Forsythe. And that's because they're Michael Madsen and William Forsythe.

Still taken from Infection ZSpeaking of which, talk about being the complete opposite of each other. Michael Madsen gives the same generic performance we've seen him give for a fair few years now, which really is a shame seeing this from the actor who gave us one of the most memorable characters from 'Reservoir Dogs'. We then have William Forsythe, who goes so over the top you need binoculars to see how high he's gone.

The rest of the cast, well, it's like their characters you don't bloody remember it. No-one gave a performance worth remembering, let alone comment on it. Then again, what do you expect when there's a rotating cast every five minutes.I do recall a few bad performances, one from the pregnant woman of the film and the prostitute whose scream had to be dubbed in, the general consensus was that everyone is dull.

But then again so is the film. I'm lucky to think of that much to say about it. Nothing from this film made me want to watch it again, it was just so bland it hurts. The story is old, the acting is off, the characters unmemorable, an ending which unnecessarily went on too long, it was just soooo boring. I wonder what would happen if someone was forced to watch this film multiple times.

Yeah that looks about right.

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