
Monday 24 June 2013

Weather Wars (2011)

We go on from zombies to the weather now, or in this case people playing God. Because, you know, that's always a good sign. Because, for some reason, people rather do something and find out about consequences later.

Washington D.C. has suffered some weather related disasters. It turns out that renowned scientist Marcus Grange (Stacey Keach) is out for revenge against Senator Aldrich (Lance E. Nichols) after the senator pulled the funding for his weather related weapon. Well wouldn't you? Marcus' sons, David (Jason London) and Jacob (Wes Brown) team up with Marcus' former research assistant  Samantha (Erin Cahill) in order to stop him.

Wait, Erin Cahill? Now why does that name sound familiar?
Am I just going to keep finding Pink Power Rangers in the films I look at?
Though I do now want to see Erin Cahill and Amy Jo Johnson in something together.

I was not expecting this plot. Primarily because the back of the DVD box says a complete different story, where they created a machine which can control the weather, but the artificial intelligence turned on humanity. The plot's...okay I guess. It is hampered in parts mostly because of pointlessness and stupidity. How did Marcus finish his work with no funding? Why was there an unnecessary subplot involving a reporter and her cameraman which added nothing to the film? The film is littered with these sort of points.

Although to be honest the acting isn't bad, in particular our three main leads were pretty good. Keach I felt was pretty over the top though, I can only guess he knew it wasn't going on his resume. Most of the others are pretty bland and forgettable. You'll only remember them by their characters, like Senator Aldrich who is an important figure, or at least he's suppose to be, he just comes off as trivial. There's his daughter Chloe (Indigo. Yes, that's her stage name), who I'm pretty sure isn't allowed to be given a job by her father, but whatever, she's pretty meaningless and is glanced over quite easily. There's also Colonel Neilson (Gary Grubbs) who I actually did want to see more of, I felt Grubbs was underused. Not that he was a great actor, but I liked him nonetheless.

The effects. Oh boy the effects. They were atrocious, but then again what would I expect from a SyFy film? Okay, atrocious is a bit harsh, they're pretty bad but not as bad as you'd expect. They were as good as the CGI zombies from World War Z...which is quite sad actually. From missiles, to tornadoes, to blizzards, they're really quite bad to look at, but at the same time they're not the worse to grace cinema history.

To be honest, this film was a lukewarm experience. It's not bad, per se, but it is quite hard to get into it. Keach, personally, I feel doesn't help this film's cause, nor does the thin story. If you're a fan of Erin Cahill then I'd definitely recommend you check it out, or if you like these sorts of films. It certainly can be a fun film to watch if you're in the right mood or atmosphere. Otherwise, give it a miss.

Although, there'd be one thing that would make this film great no matter what
Badass Erin

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