
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Trailer Park of Terror (2008)

What is up with film makers and audiences? Who made the first torture porn film? Why did they think that audiences would love watching people get tortured over a long period of time? Why are they made? Why do we watch them? The video nasties of the 1980s (In particular cannibal films, as well as 'I Spit On Your Grave'), then a resurgence in the noughties with the 'Hostel' films, Turistas (Or 'Paradise Lost' here in the UK and Ireland), and of course 'The Human Centipede' films.

And here (Based on the Imperium comics of the same name...apparently. I've never read said comics so that most likely affected my viewing. Can't find a copy anywhere though) a group of delinquents lead by pastor Lewis (Matthew Del Negro) shelter at a trailer park run by Norma (Nichole Hiltz) after their bus has a bad case of crashing into another truck. As the title of this film suggests not all is right with this trailer park, and the group are hunted by a group of evil rednecks.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure what to make of this. The story focuses more on Norma and her..."family" than anything else, the group who we're supposed to follow are more pushed to the side. There's a certain charm to our villains compared to the bland, unmemorable or downright hated members of Pastor's group. Only ONE character, Bridgette (Jeanette Brox) who is likable, and even then it's hard to root for her.

There isn't really much of a story, it's just watching people get killed in bizarre and brutal ways. No, seriously, some of the deaths are bizarre. I won't spoil any of them, I'm sure you'll know them when/if you see them. But they certainly are brutal, it's one of those films where you cringe at seeing them, but surprisingly laugh about it. Well, laugh at one or two anyway. But with that being said there really isn't an aim for this film, the characters seem to be so stupid that escape isn't really an option.

The gore is...well...gorey. But unlike 'The Human Centipede 2' it actually puts effort into the other aspects of the film. More for the villains of the film, but at least it deviated from the gore. The effects certainly look real, thankfully, at least it isn't CGI.

The acting I have to say was pretty damn good, much better than what you'd expect from a film like this. Hiltz shines through them all as Norma, but her fellow trailer park members also share the same charm and energy needed for their roles, especially Myk Watford as Roach, the guitar wielding...undead guy. The only real weak links would be a few members of the Pastor's group, in particular Ricky Mabe as Michael, and Hayley Moarie Norman as Amber, who, at times, you forget are in the film.

So, this film was pretty good. But that's really only because we tend to like the villains attacking the characters we don't like. Hey, kind of like the sequel to 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. But for the most part, there isn't really a reason for this to exist. The story teaches us nothing, but then again it's the kind of film that's designed to entertain rather than teach. does slam a moral message right at the end.

Spoiler Section

The ending is weak. It really is. The way the film builds it up, the ending is so disappointing. I'll explain, after the Pastor and all of her friends are killed, Bridgette is confronted by all of the trailer park undead. Norma is happy, until Bridgette yells at them to just kill her and that all she wanted was for people to like her for what she is rather than what they want her to be.

And this works.

Seriously? I mean, this relates to a similar rant that Norma shouts to the trailer park residents, since they treated her with disrespect, and therefore Norma saw a resemblance to herself in Bridgette and that's what led her to let Bridgette go. But seriously? That is what saves Bridgette? When I first saw this with a group of people, you have no idea how much negativity was given to this ending, how much moaning was...moaned. They might as well have just ignored her cries, or faked her out and killed her anyway. Anything than what we actually got would have sufficed.

And that's the moral of the story? Be yourself? Be proud of who you are? What a crap moral to put on the end of a torture porn movie! Hey Amber, be proud of the fact that you've had more guys than the number of letters I've typed in this review. Alex (Ryan Carnes), be proud of the self-centered bastard you are. Hey Tiffani (Stephanie Black), be proud of the fact that you're so desperate for crack you suck the dicks of random guys behind a fuel station!

Of course I may be blowing this out of proportion. Maybe a feeling of self-hatred IS the reason why these kids are on the path of self destruction. Maybe if they had just believed in themselves and liked themselves for who they are they wouldn't have gotten into this mess.

Oh my God I just talked myself into liking the ending.

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