
Monday 15 October 2012

The Undead (2008)

So. This exists. This...I don't even know where to start. This, would have to be one of the most unique films I have ever seen, and I'll let you decide whether that's a good or bad thing.

The plot is as follows, two gangs and a police officer join forces when zombies start to attack the living. Wait...this isn't...okay I just checked, this is NOT 'Gangs of the Dead'. In this film the zombies were created by a solar flare, in the other film it was a meteor shower. Although this film is better known as 'Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!', and that is a much more accurate title since the creatures in this AREN'T zombies! Zombies don't talk, they don't mutate, they don't rape (Yes, these are rapist zombies), and they don't shoot guns! Really the better known title is the best way to describe them since they do seem to be a hybrid of mutant, vampire, and zombie, so I'm just going to call them hybrids.

This was one of the most bizarre films I have ever seen, and I really am struggling to write something. The okay? According to this film, a solar flare can cause the following:
- Turn people to mutant into hybrids
- Cause fuel to become non flammable...apparently
- Tint outside shots white
- Causes fuel to become unusable
Basically a whole load of stuff which was missing when solar flares hit Earth in the past.

The flow of the film meanwhile feels disjointed, one second the group are all converging on a drug deal (Well, a sugar deal), then one group has control, then they're outside meeting Gandalf (Or rather 'Old Man', played by Maxie J. Santillian Jr), then they're friends, it just feels like it's all over the place. Then there are bits which really don't amount to anything and then the film just ends, no real conclusion, it just ends. And most of the dialogue is stupid beyond belief.

This is NOT a good film, and yet, I like it. Yeah. For every bad thing I have to say about this, there's something good I want to say as well. The acting, okay is actually pretty decent, but there are some moments when the acting could have been done so much better. This includes pretty much whenever anyone attempts to scream, Rachel Montez Collins attempting to portray concern, Johanna Watts, and anyone acting as a hybrid.

The effects, are pretty bad as well. The guns firing, fine they're okay, the sound effects for them are off pretty much all the time. The solar flare was basic, and yet it was still pretty decent. The make-up though is actually really good, it doesn't look like they just stuck spaghetti on people, it actually looks authentic.

And while the acting can be better, the characters are really enjoyable. I found myself liking David (C. Thomas Howell) and G-Dog (Tyshawn Bryant) the most, despite the fact that they should be opposite ends of the spectrum, they have the best chemistry and interactions of all the characters. Lisa (Johanna Watts) was my least likable character, she was just unbelievable in her role, and, as mentioned earlier, her acting is just awful which doesn't help. In fact, there's one point where she says she has one clip left for her assault rifle, and she goes and wastes it all on THREE hybrids. She just stands there and unloads her entire clip into these three hybrids, despite the fact that the entire world is now populated by the hybrids.

This film, is so hard to talk about. Basically, it's an awful film. But, and this is a huge but, it's sooooo enjoyable. It is so hard not to enjoy this film, it is so bad it's good, and I believe this is mainly down to the characters, they're so likable and fun to watch. And they've sequel baited, in the credits it says "G-Dog and friends will return in Ninja Pirate Werewolves in Space!'.

And for once, I hope they do it.

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