
Friday 22 June 2012

Top Ten Worst Adverts

You know what has become an everyday occurrence in our lives? Something that most people come across every day, either in their homes or outside. Adverts. Sure inventions like Sky Plus or Virgin Media popularised the live recording function which enables people to fast forward through those pesky adverts, but in all honesty, I don’t mind them. Sure I wouldn’t miss them if I did fast forward through an advert break, but the advert break allows the viewer to take a minute to absorb what they just watched. Also product placement.

But while you get your good adverts, you get your share of bad adverts, and that’s what I’m looking at here. Just TV adverts mind you, I think most posters are just segments of the television advert anyway.

Whatever the case, here’s the top ten worst adverts I have come across.

10. We buy any –

Do I really need to explain why this advert is bad?  Okay, admittedly, the advert wasn’t that bad at first. The tune was catchy, the dancing was pretty good, and the newsreader was bearable.

And then we heard it for the second time. Then the third. And the fourth. And that catchy tune is now starting to annoy people. That newsreader is becoming obnoxious and the dancing is getting pretentious.

Yeah the main problem was repetition, it’s just not a good advert to watch on multiple occasions. As you see it more and more, you see how bad it really is, at how corny and irritating the whole thing is.

That, and the Office of Fair Trading found that some of the company’s practices were misleading.

9. Any Vanish commercial with the pink shirt lady – Vanish

How can I start this off? Firstly, any acting you see is awful. Yeah, I can really believe you’re really distraught at having that one stain on the one top. I guess that and the one she’s wearing are the only tops she has.

But then a Vanish lady suddenly appears. While the first woman should be yelling “Who the Hell are you?”, “Get out of my house!” and, in one advert, “Oh God please put down my child, I’ll do whatever you want,”, she appears happy that this random woman has just broken into her house and is telling her how to clean her clothes in a way that no-one cleans them. Well when was the last time you put your shirts into fish tanks?

This whole advert relies on the fact that the Vanish woman breaks into people’s houses and tells them how to do things.

8. Gadget Master - Ford

Straight away I hated this advert. I don’t like the song, I hate the tune, I didn’t like the animation, and it just seems really stupid to me. And the fact that the videos on the thatguywiththeglasses site kept playing this advert every single time for a while didn’t help.

Why is a 2D animation hanging out with a Muppet? Yes it’s nitpicking, but still. Then it’s just the whole ‘Gadget Master’ thing, who would have all this stuff in their car? Okay, a Gadget Master, but that’s not the point! I mean, a “gadget that makes pasta”? First of all, why does this gadget disappear? Can it shrink? Does it have a cloaking device? And worst of all, it’s been put on the roof, not only will this block the windscreen, but it’ll go onto what is most likely a dirty car then a dirty floor.

Then there’s the “can you do this?”, in which the person with the normal car next to the Gadget Master, simply connects her phone to her car via Bluetooth. Let’s be honest, he’s the Gadget Master, he has a hands-free phone, he has a gadget that makes pasta, I’m pretty sure he has Bluetooth.

Of course that’s if you care if the Bluetooth can link with the car in the first place. Me? I have CDs, radio or my iPod to link up to it. But then again, I am the kind of guy who likes to keep his phone and iPod separate.

7. Duffy Advert – Diet Coke

I am not a fan of Duffy’s singing, okay, she’s a chipmunk. I’m surprised Duffy released a single, let alone two albums and becoming popular enough to appear in a TV advert. Then again I guess people did see this as only two of the six singles released from her first album were big successes, while the second album only released one single. Even Rebecca Black released four singles.

Moving on from my hatred of Duffy...okay I can’t. Her voice is the main reason why I hate this thing! It’s so irritating! Everything is off! Tone! Pitch! Her helium voice!

Moving on though, it starts off with her at a concert, having a mini break. First of all, water is much better than a diet coke to cool off and relax your throat. Secondly, Duffy sees a bike and, knowing that she has fans (Somehow) waiting for her to come back on and continue her concert, she decides to go for a bike ride. Not only does this show how bad security is at protecting her, it shows what Duffy thinks of her fans; important enough to ignore and disappear for a bit.

Then, she bizarrely decides to ride her bike through a supermarket. WHY?! Why didn’t security grab her? Or are people allowed to ride their bikes in the supermarket now?

I’m not even sure how this is an advert. The product in question only appears for about seven seconds in this advert which runs for one minute! I thought Diet Coke was just meant to be a great tasting drink with no sugar, why does it make Duffy go for a random bike ride?

Oh yeah, the adverts bad, and it’s pretty much the reason why Duffy’s career died.

6. WAG Advert – Pot Noodle

Oh God this advert. I just don’t get it. Okay, that’s a lie, I can kind of see it. The whole tagline is “why try harder”, which was shown effectively since the main character is a spoilt cow.

The main problem? The spoilt WAG, is a guy. A guy dressed in drag. Is that meant to be funny? I mean, he’s got a full grown beard so I guess it’s suppose to be funny, but what’s the joke? That it’s a guy playing a woman? Yeah, that was funny back in.......never.

And that’s the thing with this advert, it’s trying to be funny, but it isn’t. WAG says s/he’s going for a swim, but is being pushed by someone. Ok that’s not funny. Spray tan...why would I want to look at a fat guy’s arse? Aerobics, blow dry, jacuzzi, treadmill to the front door, those things aren’t funny!

This unfunny advert is just painful to watch. Why try harder? Because you’ll end up with this rubbish.

5. The Wolf is Murdered – The Guardian

I’m probably biased against this advert straight away because I don’t like the Guardian newspaper. That whole strict left wing persona which thinks they should run the country. But that’s just me.

The thing with this advert, is it’s stupid. Okay, the fairy tale bit where the three little pigs killed the big bad wolf in self defence was a nice little touch, albeit not realistic, and it shows how social interaction has pretty much become the norm in modern life. But when you think about it, this newspaper is calling the general public stupid morons.

Firstly we see a cauldron, then the Guardian website saying that the wolf has been boiled alive. The three pigs are arrested, and the public get on the pigs side with the whole “protect your home against burglars (Or in this case a demolisher)” scenario. Now, I’m all up for protecting my home from an intruder, it’s self defence. The thing that people here have forgotten though, is that the wolf was BOILED ALIVE. That’s not self defence! That’s murder!

It then turned out the wolf had asthma, so he couldn’t have been able to blow down houses. So why did some people on Twitter say that he did? Where was the wreckage? Where was the rubble? And if the pigs blew it up, surely inspectors would notice that the house wasn’t blown down.

It then turns out that the pigs killed the wolf to frame him for insurance fraud, because they couldn’t afford to pay their mortgage because the rates were too high. Well, now that surely must make a difference. Not only did the pigs kill the wolf in a most painful way, the wolf was INNOCENT! Well, surely the public must now see the evil inside these pigs.

OF COURSE NOT! People are now saying how they sympathise with the pigs and how they’re either behind on their repayments or how they’ve lost everything (Except a computer and internet broadband otherwise they couldn’t put that post on Twitter). Then there’s public outrage because mortgage defaults are soaring. So, what the Guardian is saying is, is that getting behind on mortgage repayments, is a morally good excuse for MURDER!

And THEN, the people RIOT! Well done Guardian! You just said that the British public approve of murderers, as long as they’re in the same situation! Doesn’t anyone else see that the Guardian is insulting you? That they’re calling you idiots? Can you see why I don’t like this advert?

Still, at least it's not the Daily Mirror

4. Poo at Paul’s - Glade

Okay, the last six adverts, you can say are marmite; you either love them, or hate them. We’re now getting into the ones universally hated. Our next one, oh boy.

Where does this film suck? Is it the fact that the mother and child are either really bad at acting, or they’re really badly dubbed? The kid is definitely dubbed. Is it that the kid needs to be slapped across the face for his behaviour? Is it that the lines of dialogue for this rubbish are complete and utter crap? Is it that no-one, especially a kid, talks like that? Is it the fact that Paul will feel that his “friend” is using him for his toilet?

Or is it just crap?

3. Frosties Kid - Frosties

Ah this advert, the one where the kid was so despised for his part, that people spread rumours that he killed himself from all the bullying.

Someone did actually put together a pretty good video analysing the advert, pointing out some of the fundamental flaws, such as who the Hell eats Frosties on a “plate”, pronouncing pirate as “pie-rate” so it can rhyme with the previous line, asking why there’s a bloke in a crate, and pondering why the guy is floating upwards into the sky at the end. It also asks who the Hell lives in the Empire State. In all fairness New York is known to sometimes be called the Empire State, but then again the advert seems to insinuate that it meant the Empire State Building, which is an office complex.

But it misses so many other questions, such as what’s the point of having a breakfast machine right next to your bed which not only wakes you up but pours your Frosties into a bowl, when you’re going to ignore it and go to the kitchen? Who takes cereal on a date? What does it matter if you live in Australia? And why was there a random pirate?

But there are so many other problems with this advert. The lines are awful, some of which (As you’ve guessed) don’t make sense, the guy is obviously dubbed, the guy himself has a huge grin that makes him look obnoxious and comes off pretentious, and the whole thing just reeks of corniness.

The kid didn’t kill himself, and I will not wish that he did, no matter how much I hate this advert. But if I was him I’d distance myself away from this advert, as far away as possible......hmm, maybe that's what he was doing at the end.

2.Super Mix - Haribo

.......Oh dear God. I remember some really good adverts from Haribo from when I was a kid, so imagine my horror when this first came on our television screens, what, two years ago I think it was?

You’d think it was going to have a good old family sing along, mainly because of the tune, the tune isn’t a problem. It gets you in the mood. And then the kid opens his mouth. And then his sister, then the parents join in.

Oh dear God they’re horrible! Did anyone actually listen to them before they sung? Especially the kids! At least get someone who can actually sing for your singing advert Haribo!

And then there’s the actual lyrics. “Oh, so smooth”, “Love them soft”, why? Okay, I never really thought of Haribo sweets being smooth, it never really crossed my mind when eating them. Then “love them soft?”...why? I mean, of course Haribo sweets are soft, aren’t most sweet? Then the dad sings “Squidgy! Squidgy baby!” in relation to a jelly baby. WHY?! Who the Hell sings that?! Heck! Who the Hell says that in normal conversation?! You know what, you can’t even save yourselves by turning down the volume, because the advert provides SUBTITLES! Apparently you can’t escape this even if your deaf.

Who on Earth thought that this crappy singing family, singing this crappy song, would be a catchy tune worthy of people wanting to sing along?

Well, at least it can’t get any worse right?

1. Naturally Juicy – Orangina

...............................What the Hell is wrong with you?!

I saw this advert randomly while I was in France a few years ago, God what is wrong with these people?!

The animals acting as humans, but...everything else. The strip club scenario, the inter-species relationships which act against God, the animals wearing skimpy clothes, the lizard wrapping its tongue around his partners body, the octopus woman squeezing oranges where her breasts should be, the panda being stripped of her bathing suit so that she’s naked...everything about this is wrong!

But most of all, this advert...sexualises...animals. The animals having breasts, wearing skimpy clothing, acting sexy...THEY’RE ANIMALS! Who the Hell would find an animal sexy?! Why would I find this appealing?! Who the Hell thought this was a good idea?! Basically go see the Nostalgia Critic’s rant against Lola in the ‘Space Jam’ review.

This is the most disturbing advert I have ever seen, and one that has haunted my memories since.

And those were the worst adverts I have seen so far in my life. And by God they were awful, but at least they can’t get worse than pole dancing animals right? Right?...Right?

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