
Sunday 15 April 2012

The Many Voices of the Joker

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how big a Batman fan I am. I did after all do the ‘Top 15 Batman Villains’ and ‘Batman Live’ pieces as my first posts back in August last year, followed by the ‘The Batman vs. Dracula’ film and my review of the 2004 animated series, and you all know how the Joker is my favourite Batman villain, and that Mark Hamill is the best Joker ever.

Now following the release of ‘Arkham City’, Mark Hamill stated that that was his last outing as the Joker, and it was effectively cemented when the Joker was killed off at the end. And people complained more about the Mass Effect 3 ending (My review of Mass Effect 3 is coming). I then heard that, on Twitter, someone asked Hamill and he effectively said “never say never”. I really have no idea what’s going on now.

But after coming across his Twitter account, or at least ‘The Official Mark Hamill Twitter Page’, I found out about an online petition (On Facebook at least to get Hamill to voice the Joker in the animated version of ‘The Killing Joke’. I should have mentioned this in the ‘Top 15 Batman Villains’ post, but I absolutely love ‘The Killing Joke’, it has to be my favourite graphic novel, so the fact that they’re planning to do an animated one has me really excited.

Or at least I think they’re planning to do an animated one, otherwise why all the attention? But I can’t seem to find anything concrete online; there’s nothing on IMDB, zip on Wikipedia, and I found some bits online about ‘The Killing Joke’ (I’m just going to refer to it as ‘TKJ’ now) being a possible future work. That and the fact that if the people behind an animated version of TKJ’ even have the idea of going to anyone other than Mark Hamill, well, it’s one of the twelve signs of the Apocalypse.

Granted, there have been plenty of other voice actors who played the Joker, so I suppose the possibility of someone else getting the job isn’t hard to imagine. There is a video on Youtube entitled ‘The many incarnations of the Joker’ (, which does actually provide a pretty good comparison between them. I have no idea which of these voice actors are still available, but this post is essentially going over all of them. Well, except for the Joker in ‘Crisis on Two Earths’, who they changed into the Jester. Yes it’s an alternate version of the Joker, but it just isn’t the same. If you want my input on the Jester, well, the character as a whole doesn’t seem to be on the same level as the Joker.

Anyway, we first have the Joker from ‘Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder’. Huh, I wonder why Robin got a longer part of the title. But anyway from what IMDB tells me, it was Larry Storch, who is described on IMDB as a “kinetic wiseguy”, and there lies the problem. No offence to the guy, I’m sure he’s a good man, but after listening to his Joker, well, he doesn’t sound like the Joker, he sounds more like one of the Three Stooges. His voice doesn’t exactly resemble the Joker nor sound that maniacal, so how can we find the Joker terrifying? I know that that was what the producers wanted at the time so that the show was more kid friendly, but it’s just the wrong voice.

And that’s kind of the same problem with Jeff Bennett’s portrayal in ‘Batman: The Brave and the Bold’ TV series. Though he does seem to portray Joker like a Shakespearian actor, it was played a bit more like you’d expect the Joker to be played. On top of that the ‘Brave and Bold’ series was more of a homage to the old TV series than anything else.

Then there’s Frank Welker. Now, if you haven’t heard of Frank Welker, where the Hell have you been? Welker has been doing voice acting for over forty years, having voiced the likes of Fred from ‘Scooby Doo’, Doctor Claw in ‘Inspector Gadget’,  and Nibbler from ‘Futurama’. Now, why I do think Welker is a living legend and very much love most of his performances, there are some which sound off. There’s Megatron in ‘Transformers’ where he sounds like he has a sore throat, and there’s the Joker where he sounds too whiney. He sounds too much like a henchman rather than a criminal mastermind, Hell, he sounds like Penfold from ‘Danger Mouse’!

We also have the Joker from ‘Young Justice’ ( Oh boy where do I begin? This Joker is voiced by Brent Spiner, and I had to find the ‘Young Justice Wiki’ site to find that out. The only good thing about this portrayal is it’s creepy, which is what we kind of want from the Joker. The bad thing is he sounds completely wrong. He sounds like he’s whispering every single line, every line sounds forced, and...he just sounds wrong! He sounds like a pervert you’d find hiding in your closet. This Joker has no chemistry, no hilarity, this is not the Joker everyone has come to love.

There are two others I want to go other before I get to Hamill. First, we have John DiMaggio from ‘Under the Red Hood’ (URH). Now, DiMaggio, who is more famous for portraying Marcus in the ‘Gears of War’ franchise and Bender in ‘Futurama’, did a really good job as the Joker in URH, he sounds like he could go from eccentric to psychopath in a second (Which, in fact, he does) and actually puts some effort into his voice. The only bad thing I can comment on, is that DiMaggio’s Joker laugh is a bit lacklustre, it sounds like he’s trying to achieve the right Joker laugh, but is being held back.

So yes, DiMaggio is a favourite amongst fans to becoming the new “main” Joker. But if Hamill has/does retire from donning the purple suit (In animated form anyway), I actually think that Kevin Michael Richardson should be the main man. He voices the Joker in the 2004 animated series, and I personally feel he does the best job beside Hamill. Richardson’s voice matches the Joker very well, especially the Joker’s eccentricity, and he has nailed that fine line between funny and insanity. While the radical redesign was something which many fans may not have liked, I’m sure you remember my comments on how the Joker now looks like Hitmontop, Richardson’s voice acting immediately makes us forget that. Again, like DiMaggio, I do feel that Richardson needs to work on the laugh; it’s not bad but it’s not great either.

To be honest, I’d love to play the Joker, the Joker is my dream role. Alas, I will never portray the Joker. It’s not that I’m not a professional actor, I’d love to get into the business so that others can criticise my acting skill. But I cannot play the Joker, because I can’t do the laugh. It doesn’t matter if you’re the worst actor or the best actor, if you can’t nail the laugh, you can’t play the Joker. Jack Nicholson did (To be honest) an alright laugh, Heath Ledger did a brilliant laugh, Mark Hamill, is the template for the Joker’s laugh.

Seriously, go listen to Hamill’s laugh, and you’ll see what I mean. If another Joker’s laugh does not meet Hamill’s laugh, then that Joker might as well be thrown out the window. On top of that, Hamill is just the best Joker ever. His style and energy to the role is fantastic, the voice is perfect. Mark Hamill truly brought the character to life, it is really hard to see anyone other than Hamill play the part.

So of course Hamill should play the Joker in the animated TKJ! There is no-one else on the planet who can be Joker in TKJ. While DiMaggio and Richardson are the best replacements, Hamill IS Joker, anyone else is a tragedy. If anyone other than Hamill is selected to play Joker, they will have extremely big shoes to fill and high expectations to fulfil. It won’t be fair on the actor or the animation.
Oh, and as an extra bonus, here’s Hamill saying “Why so serious?” ( One note though, I do not claim to have made or own any of these YouTube videos or the Facebook petition.

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