What could have been a potential show stealer (despite featuring the bland Usos, the forgettable Los Matadores, and the even blander New Day) has been kicked to the pre show. Personally I feel its too soon for Kidd and Cesaro to drop the titles. The Usos at the Hall of Fame were said to have dominated the tag team division, but that's only because the rest of the division was weak, and has been for a long long time. The tag team division has one dominant team for a while with them winning the titles, before losing them to another upcoming team, rinse and repeat. The Ascension should have been in this match so that they can put on a good showing, not win the titles, but put on a good showing. Anyway, Kidd and Cesaro to win.
Wow, half the roster put on the pre-show. There isn't really a way to accurately predict this, especially since I don't really know who is in it. There's Ryback, Curtis Axel, Damian Mizdow, The Miz, Adam Rose, Erick Rowen, and loads of other people. So I'll do what I did last year and name three candidates. I will go with Damien Mizdow (hopefully dropping the Miz gimmick), NXT's Hideo Itami, and Curtis Axel. I'm one of the #AxelMania people! I actually think he has a chance in this!

It's quite amazing how fast the Bella's went downhill after their feud. Seriously Brie's mic skills improved, Nikki's wrestling skill improved, now that they're on the same page again they've gone back down to the same subpar stuff they do. Even the Give Divas a chance hashtag didn't help. AJ Lee and Paige always seem to have that great "frenemy" chemistry, and I definitely prefer them to the Bella's, so I certainly hope they win.
It really is weird seeing John Cena fighting for a title that isn't the WWE Title. Even more bizarre is that I saw that Cena gave an interview on WWE.Com that this "might" be his last WrestleMania. Which I seriously doubt. This is kind of tricky, I don't see Cena winning a title that isn't the WWE title (I know he won the Tag Team titles every so often...for about five minutes) but it would destroy Rusev's credibility if he lost...just like John Cena did to Vladimir Kozlov and Umanga, the latter ending up losing to Santino Marella, and the former teaming up with Santino Marella. Personally, I want Rusev to win, by any means. But, I have a feeling Cena will pull out the victory, kind of because this match/result has been building up since Rusev's debut.
Do you know the best way to restore a belt's prestige? Have a random number of superstars steal the belt from the rightful owner. Following the shameful result of Bad News Barrett's match against Dean Ambrose, the title has now changed more hands the last month than the Hardcore title when that was around, and yet Barrett hasn't actually lost the championship, he's still the champion. Anyway, with the tag team title match on the pre-show, this might now pip the night as a show stealer, mainly because this is unpredictable and ladder matches always add a bit of excitement. It's almost like a money in the bank match. With R-Truth bizarrely on a WrestleMania card, Stardust completely ignoring his rivalry with Goldust, Daniel Bryan losing out on the main event, and Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler thrown in for some reason, this could be one hell of a match. Since he should have won the title at Fastlane to get a jumpstart on his career, I'm going to say Dean Ambrose will win.
Apparently Randy Orton has mentioned that this could steal the show, and who knows, maybe it will. But I am actually expecting a dirty end to this match, a DQ or something...although this is WrestleMania and that shouldn't occur on this show. Despite a pretty week story going into this (seriously Seth, you really believed Orton forgave you for putting him "out of action"?), this is actually a match that I'm looking forward to. Rollins is a tremendous athlete, I love watching him in action, and Randy Orton can pull off some great matches as well. Personally I hope Seth Rollins will win.
Undertaker will win. I know that was what I said last year and Brock Lesnar won. I'm still undecided as to whether they meant it or it was botched. Although I'm pretty sure they meant it, because of how Michael Cole said "it's over" when Lesnar got the three count. This year, I very much doubt Undertaker will lose twice in a row, even if it's to make Bray Wyatt "the new face of fear"...I need to get the t-shirt. The question is "why are they doing this match?". Undertaker's undefeated streak is over, the magic is gone. Death, taxes, and the streak were meant to be the only things in life, now the whole point of Undertaker's annual match is gone, the only thing I can think of is that it's to pass the torch to Wyatt, but if they wanted to do that then they shouldn't have had the Undertaker lose last year. Sigh, Undertaker to win.
He's here. The Icon, the Vigilante, Sting, is finally going to wrestle in the WWE, and what a first opponent in the Cerebral Assassin, the Game, Triple H. I have never seen Sting wrestle. Apart from the couple of minutes he and Triple H brawl anyway. I probably should since I have the WWE Network, look at his old WCW stuff. But I'm expecting Sting to win his debut here, I just hope it isn't like that disappointing Mr McMahon vs Bret Hart match a few years ago.
I have never seen Brock Lesnar become a face so quick and with him not doing anything. Okay, maybe not a face, just the one most people want to win. Following Reigns' controversial Royal Rumble win, the pressure has been on him to deliver in the ring and on the mic. The mic, not so much, but his match at Fastlane was a great match. And then they amplified the feud between these two...by having them play a game of tug of war with the WWE Title. That was a stupid idea. With Lesnar signing a new deal with the WWE, the outcome of this match has suddenly been thrown up in the air. However I am expecting Reigns to win the match, but neither men will walk out of WrestleMania with the title. I am expecting Seth Rollins to cash in, I mean, that can be the only reason why he hasn't cashed in yet right? Right? Anyway, Roman Reigns to win the battle, Seth Rollins to win the war.
And those are my predictions for tonight's WrestleMania, I hope it's a good one.